Seed Treatments
Kannar customers save time and simplify their seed treatment operation!
We take the mess out of procuring and mixing chemicals, and we minimize the waste of components. Our customers love knowing they’ll have one SKU arrive, with no management of raw materials required.
We keep all component ingredients on hand in our facilities so that, when companies require repeated delivery, a single phone call or email will have product on the way, from 5 gallons to 50,000 gallons
Custom Ready To Use Pesticide Blends
(aka Custom Blends)
For Peanuts
- Peanut Prep v1.0
- Peanut Prep One and Done v1.0
- Peanut Prep v1.5
- Peanut Prep v2.0
- Peanut Prep v2.5
- Peanut Prep One and Done v2.5
For Cotton
- FK16
Other Crops
- Corn 501 ST
- Soy 262 ST
- Rice 006 ST
We can customize according to your need.
Seed Nutrition
- ZincMeister
- SeedShine™ Moly 1600
- KAN™ 7
- SeedShine™ Plus 2050
Seed Finishers
- SpeedFlow™ 30
- SeedShine™ 6300
- SeedShine™ 100
- SeedShine™ Moly 1600
- SeedShine™ Plus 2050
- Colorants
- Polymers for Corn, Peanuts, Rice, Soybeans, and Wheat